October 23, 2023

Creating a New User and Granting Permissions in MySQL

This guide explains in detail how to create a new user in a MySQL database and how to grant special permissions to that user.

Creating a new user in a MySQL database and granting specific permissions to that user is a fundamental part of database administration. In this article, we will explain in detail the steps to add a new user to the MySQL server and grant specific permissions to that user. Here is our step-by-step roadmap:


Step 1: Login to MySQL

First, you must log in to the MySQL server. To do this, enter the following command using a terminal or command client:


mysql -u root -p


This command allows you to log in to the MySQL server as the "root" user with a password. The root user is usually the user with the highest privileges.


Step 2: Create a New User

You can use the following command to create a new user. In this example, the username is "newuser", but you can choose your own username:


CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword';


  • 'newuser': Name of the new user.
  • 'localhost': You specify from which host IP address the user can access to limit their access permissions. In this example, only access through the local computer is allowed.
  • 'newpassword': The new user's password. It is important to use a strong password


Step 3: Granting Permissions to the User

You can use the following commands to grant access to the new user:

GRANT authorization_types ON database_name.table_name TO 'user_name'@'localhost';


An example of an authorization command:

GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON mydatabase.* TO 'newuser'@'localhost';


These commands give the user permission to have specified authorizations to specific tables in the database named "mydatabase".


Step 4: Saving Changes

Before applying your changes, save them with the following command:



This command allows the new user and their permissions to take effect.


Step 5: Logging Out

You can use the following command to exit the MySQL session:



Once you have completed these steps, the new user should now have permission to access the MySQL database. Once you have completed the process, it is important to carefully review the security and access controls of your database.


In this article, we have explained how to create a new user in a MySQL database and the basic steps of database management by granting permissions. By following this process, you can better control the security and access of your database.


MySQL user creation permissions database management database security MySQL directives SQL authorization

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